What to look for in a florist

Their knowledge

  • Do they seem educated in flowers and wedding work?

  • Do they offer good ideas and advice when discussing your wedding?

  • Do they know how to do the designs you want? Are they willing to research ways to do a design you’d like if they haven’t already done it before?

Find someone who has, and will, dedicate countless hours studying out and practicing wedding florals!

Comfort level

  • Are you comfortable around them?

  • Do you get along with them?

  • Do you trust them to bring your vision to life?

You might not spend a ton of time around your florist, but you want to be sure they are someone you trust and feel comfortable around.

Their style

  • Have you looked through their portfolio?

  • Does the majority of their work speak to you and make you excited to see what they could do for your wedding flowers?

  • Is their work consistent?

If you want your florals to truly emanate who you are, find a florist that fits you and your personality! Otherwise you might find yourself paying a lot for work you don't like or only semi-like.

Their experience

  • How long have they been doing flowers?

  • Are you willing to pay the cost their experience dictates?

Find someone who fits your budget as well as the experience level you’d like them to have.


  • Do they live near you or offer travel to your area?

  • Are you willing to pay their cost of travel?

Look into their travelling fees and be sure it’ll work with your wedding location and budget!

For our clients, we offer FREE delivery on weddings over a certain amount (check out our “investment” page for current details)


Why hire a professional florist


What florists want our clients to know